From all at SMJ Falconry we hope you have had a wonderful Christmas and that 2017 brings you everything you hope for!
Unfortunately for the avian world, bird flu is back in the country again. Which causes us a few problems due to restrictions for all birds being in place currently. Details of the current outbreak can be found on DEFRA's website here: DEFRA Avian Influenza
Due to this we are currently making all experience day vouchers valid until February 2018!
On reflection of 2016 it has been a busy year with lots of new shows and events filling our diary!
2017 is looking great also, we have new dates for all of our Photography Workshops which can be booked via Tony and Carol Dilger or Paul Miguel. You can also see us at some new shows in 2017, more details to follow in our next blog post!
We've also had a few new additions to our team, Luke a Gyr x Red Nape Shaheen (peregrine), Fandango a Gyr x Peregrine, Eddie a Merlin, Peter a male Harris Hawk and a new female Harris Hawk who has recently arrived here and needs a name! Please take a look at our FaceBook page to vote for a name!
We hope you have a fantastic New Year and we will see you in 2017!